Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Socially Insecure

The Government Social Security web site now has your SSI statement online-- they can no longer afford to mail them to you! That's a "statement" in & of itself.
So click here, to get there.

You have to answer questions & set up passwords, but low & behold you can learn that if you wait until
approved retirement age - which is now "66 years old pus 8 months" (What???), what your monthly benefit will be. And if you wait to retire until age 70 ( work till you're dead?) & if you choose "early" retirement @ age 62.

Good to know.


  1. This explains it. I used to receive an estimate of benefits but they stopped arriving each year. Silly me, I thought it had to do with our moving from NY to CA and back to NY.

  2. Nope, they made an announcement saying it costs too much to construct, print & mail out updates, so people would have to request the info from them... they just now rolled out the ability to access your own info online.

    But I always thought retirement age was 65.
    Not it is 66 and 8 months????

    Where did they come up with that number???

  3. It use to be 65. It is now progressing in steps to 67, I believe. (I could look it up, but right now I am too lazy.

  4. I want to work as long as I am able to of course and I hope that will be until 66.8 now! :)

    Thanks for passing on the information and duly noted.

  5. Jerry~ Just my luck they will bump retirement age up to 80 something. Bastards.

    Life- I don't want to HAVE TO keep working because the gvmnt is loathe to part with MY $.
    I want to stay active yes, but to mandated to work to get a fair & decent share of my SSI money.
    Not an gift from the government, but money they took out of my paychecks since I started working @ age 16.
