Sunday, June 17, 2012


Big Day & Joyous Occasion!
Congratulations to my Son on his 
Graduation from the University of Oregon.

Minds move mountains

You are a wise & kind soul.
May you find a path in life
that brings you joy & serves to
help others & bring peace & justice into this world. 
Solidarity Forever!

I love that you are a red card holding IWW member~
Joining the likes of Mother Jones & Noam Chomsky.
A philosopher, historian & activist. 

You walk the walk & seem to have a solid foundation & 
a moral compass that helps chart a good direction. 
We are so proud of you & the person you have grown to be. 


  1. congratulations to the grad and proud parents/family! toot those horns, blow those whistles, throw those mortarboards, stop the traffic and dance dance dance!

  2. Wow! It is pure joy, all that hard work... this is his crowning glory. Although he just said not a great time to be heading into the work world, I am fully confident he will come up with a creative solution.
    He is a mover & a shaker, er Quaker-- all of the above!

  3. Congratulations Fran to you and yours! I know how very excited he must be and how proud he has made you. He's now officially a Duck for life!

    Ducks usually love the water, can be good swimmers, make great friends. Neighbors, too. We're fortunate ti have a Duck living just a few doors "down" and, while a Duck out of water, he appears very adaptable (as well as creative as you mentioned). We most often visit during the fall when we celebrate/commiserate after each weekend's Duck football game. And this fall will be *special* when those Ducks visit El Paso to experience a little basketball court *UTEP payback* for the Miners inhospitable visit to Eugene's home court last autumn. Whoops, but I digress.

    Also, having a couple Duck alum nieces (one who married a Duck alum!), you're going to be very pleased to see how your son will make a great family member! We sure enjoy -- and love -- ours! ~ "Da-duh"

  4. Thanks for the good wishes, I posted the blunt commencement speech post above.
    At least the guy spoke the truth. Strange times. Still college seems like a good place to be sheltered for a while to ride out the bad economy- the big ticket question is-- will it bounce back.
    When the kiddo started college tuition was $6,200 a year. When he graduated it was $8,700 a year.
    In the fall, it is $9,310 for in state undergrad tuition & $28,648 for out-of-state tuition.
    Plus Congress just doubled the student loan interest rate, so he dodged that one.
    Anymore, the smartest thing to do is go to Community College & take as many credits as you can & then finish up @ the University (dual enrollment).

    Seems like endless fiery hoops keep popping up.
    Anyway, he is glad to be free @ last-- see some
    photos to the right/top.

    Our grad decided to wear his beloved/deceased Grandfather's (black) grad cap for his graduation.
    Our "Duck" was not like the other's.
    The official regalia page said "make it your own"....
    besides w 5015 grads, they would not have time to scrutinize minutia of regalia.

    Made it easier to spot him in the crowd & the grandparents supported him in his college endeavors (they had Master's & PhD degrees)...

    So, now to figure out the next chapter in his life.

  5. Thanks Fran for the add'l color commentary. I have to confess, just before writing my previous comment, I had been studying different breeds of dog; their characteristics. Hence, I suspect a tendency for deafness, hip dysplasia, year round shedding, loyalty, etc. other traits, I was still in that mode re your *new Duck*. But certainly, the congratulations were sincere.

    And yes, first two years -- community colleges!
