Thursday, July 12, 2012

Boo Romney

It is no big shocker that Mitt Romney was booed. What floors me are the clueless media reports:
"It’s not clear if the audience was defending the president’s health-care reforms, or just didn’t like derogatory use of the Obama name. "

What should be clear is the notion that non- millionaire people (the majority), are being made to think that they must *choose one*. If you want jobs, then you must eliminate the healthcare program.

You certainly can't have both jobs AND healthcare.

Therein lies the whole problem with the Republican mindset. "I've got mine & that's all that matters".
I'm not fooled by his smug declaration either, jobs equal all kinds of goodies for the 1%ers.
Fracking, oil pipelines, kind of a "whatever it takes"- because a job is a job & we need them, no matter what.
They don't care if the earth is trashed, your tap water is flaming, or who breathes what downwind.
Because health risks & environmental hazards are considered to be acceptable trade offs to boost the economy. Problem is the genie can't be put back in the bottle.
 If Mitt really cared about jobs, he would not have fired all those people back in the Bain Capitol days. I'll even take it a step further-- if Mitt really cared about this country, he would not stash his fortunes offshore & "legally" evade paying taxes.
He says he has nothing to hide, but fails to disclose just how much "nothing" he is not hiding.
You gain trust by giving facts & information, just saying "trust me", is abysmally not good enough.

"Mitt Romney was booed on Wednesday while speaking at the NAACP annual meeting in Houston. The moment occurred a little past the halfway mark of the presumptive GOP nominee’s address, when he talked about what he’d do to curb government spending.“I’m going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program I can find. That includes ‘Obamacare,’ ” said Romney.
The jeers started then, and Romney stopped speaking and let them roll on, standing with a fixed smile on his face for about 15 seconds. It’s not clear if the audience was defending the president’s health-care reforms, or just didn’t like derogatory use of the Obama name. "