Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tear down the lies

Rightly so, the statue of Joe Paterno is coming down. 
Paying homage to someone who "won football games", but was essentially an accomplice
by being silent & allowing Sandusky to be a known sexual predator. 
Paterno & others concealed sex abuse claims against assistant coach Jerry Sandusky.
Paterno's coaching, tainted with the cover up, should not be immortalized with a statue in his honor. 
They won the games, but lost their honor.
This is a win for the victims. 

AP Reports: 
"Sandusky is awaiting sentencing after being convicted of 45 criminal counts for abusing 10 boys over a number of years*. A report by former FBI Director Louis Freeh concluded that the late coach Joe Paterno and three former administrators - President Graham Spanier, athletic director Tim Curley and vice president Gary Schultz - ''repeatedly concealed critical facts relating to Sandusky's child abuse.''
Emmert as recently as last week would not rule out the possibility of shutting down the Penn State football program in the wake of the scandal, adding that he had ''never seen anything as egregious.''
* Additional sexual abuse allegations, including some from his own adopted son, have exceeded the statute of limitations to prosecute. 

The NCAA announced that it will levy ''corrective and punitive measures'' 
against Penn State on Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. How many statues have they erected for star academic people?
    Just saying....
