Wednesday, December 19, 2012

26 Acts & Winter Music

How do you fight evil in this world?
You fight it with good. 
This act of kindness is a memory of those 
who lost their lives in Newtown. 

In response to the Newtown tragedy, a new movement has emerged- 26 Acts of Kindness.
People have adopted the idea that the lives lost in the shooting, should inspire us to symbolically
keep their light shining, by doing random acts of kindness.

It can be anything-- from giving out hugs, to handing out care packages to people who are homeless.
Other random acts:

Hand someone a pre paid gift card in the grocery store

Serve at a soup kitchen in your neighborhood.

 Put a smile on a child's face by donating a toy.

Donate 26 toys to the Children's ward @ the hospital. 

Deliver something sweet to your local first responders.

 Share your knowledge by volunteering in the classroom.

Help someone stay warm this winter: Donate a coat, or hold a coat drive in your town to collect much-needed jackets.

 Left $26 with grocery store manager to help pay the bill of the next family with small children.

Donate to your local food bank.

Imagine the possibilities.....

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