Sunday, February 3, 2013

SB commericals

A lot of duds this year, but thought this Hyundai commercial was funny:

Gangnam Style goes nuts

VW had their fun....

It was an interesting game for sure, right up till the last minute.

Interesting when they had the power outage.... I halfway expected the crews to say
Heck-of-a-job, Brownie- 8 years after Katrina & we are still waiting for FEMA to fix things around here!

Either that or what a moment for the Utility workers to decide to go on strike.
We want to discuss wages & work conditions.... we'll restore power to the super bowl after

Sorry Beyonce fans, the halftime show literally put me to sleep.

You could tell the honchos must have sent word to stop speculating that the outage gave either team an advantage. But then they went on to say "since the outage" about 10 more times.
Would have been funny for them to have to use a chalkboard for a scoreboard!

NFL Pioneer Days!


  1. I didn't watch the game but it's interesting how many people analyze the commercials that are aired during the game>

  2. So happy the Ravens won. Joe Flacco is adorable.

    Loved Beyonce's half-time show. She is amazing.

    The commercial with the horse and they used the great Stevie Nick's 'Landslide' brought tears to my eyes.

    Overall, a fun and entertaining Super Bowl Sunday.

    I also ate like a glutton and I apologize to no one for it. LOL!
