Monday, October 6, 2008

Either you learn from history or you don't

Keating 5 Documentary from the Obama campaign.


  1. I think that McCain has given room for those that don't know about the Keating 5 to be introduce to exactly what happen and why he has always been for de regulations.

  2. Well, that's a discussion McCain does not want to have
    in public anytime soon. A little hard to justify the virtues of deregulation while the economy is crumbling around us.

    I was just reading about Michigan, which has the nation’s highest unemployment rate at 8.9 percent. There isn’t enough money in its unemployment insurance fund to cover claims, so the state has been forced to borrow from the federal government to pay jobless benefits. Yikes! No wonder McCain high tailed it out of there.
    California, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Ohio, South Carolina and Wisconsin are next in line for unemployment insolvency, and 11 more states are on the brink.
    So many jobs have gone away, or businesses failing, it is having a domino effect. It is hard to believe & witness this happening in our country.

  3. Very scary times are coming Fran. Our Governor might just ask that property tax be paid twice in my State.

  4. Twice- as in double the rate, or more cash flow earlier?
