Monday, October 6, 2008

Extreme Makeover!!!

Wow! BIG HAT TIP to Dusty~ of Siren's Chronicles & It's my right to be left of the Center, for her art-techno talents in giving this blog an Extreme makeover. It all started with me trying to get art centered in my header.
Let's just say some blogger templates suck.

Anyway, I may play further with colors & layouts, but it was her talent, patience & skills that got me light years ahead in this project--AND prevented me from throwing things out the window! Smart girl that she is-- this is a photo of a bridge.. to *somewhere*. The Golden Gate Bridge.


  1. Well thanks... actually, thank Dusty.... it is a work in progress.

  2. I actually gasped when I came to your blog today and upon seeing the photo of the Golden Gate Bridge. Having grown up less than three miles from the bridge on Geary Blvd and with a view similar to the photo from my high school, George Washington, it was awesome coming here today. I can tell you, however, driving through the fog in the lower half of the photo isn't much fun, although it makes a SF scene very authentic. I think folks will really like your new look -- I do.

  3. Thanks E prof. Dusty takes the credit. I think she got tired of me asking how to get the layout design I desired to work, when we discovered the template I had was restrictive.
    I plan on playing with the art & colors over time.
    A creative outlet for me & keeps it fresh.

  4. It's really beautiful, Fran. And like EProf says, breathtaking! I felt lost for a moment, wondering what I had stepped into!

    Kudos to Dusterella! She knows how to make blogger perform! Were whips involved? (just kidding, to me it's like a sweaty wrestling match everytime I try to do much of anything computerwise) ...

  5. I hear you DK-- often, I feel like I have to spar w Blogger to get it to do what I want. The preview does NOT show WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get).... so when you hit publish, the layout gets tweaked. Arrgh! Frustrating! Anyway I'm going with the dusty rose for now..... but I predict horses of different colors in the future.

  6. You just hit on my sorest point about Blogger, "WYSInotWYG"! I end up doing online editing everytime, which takes away much blog-fun.

    hmmm, I like the "dusty rose" and I'm not much for anything in the red or pink palette.

  7. There are times when the text gets so effed up, I wind up just going with having graphics just be "centered" so I don't have to screw with trying to "guess align" where the text should go. Some techno wizard should make some user friendly fixes to Blogger. But we have muddled our way through learning some of the features. the things we do to communicate & express ourselves in the 21st century.

    PS: I am not usually a fan of the pink spectrum either... but the photo & the grey seem to bring balance.

  8. You are making me blush Fran!

    Once you get a decent template, its pretty easy to make alterations and personal customizations.

    The decent templates are NOT found on Blogger's site however. ;)

    Have fun with it Fran, and if you need a different header with different color schemes, let me know. Glad I could help m'dear.

  9. You rock Dusty! You REALLY did a fantastic job of fixing this template layout.
