"While we breathe, we hope" ~ Barack Obama, President Elect
A wave of hope & sanity restored seemed to be the feeling as Barack Obama gave his acceptance speech. The thing about this win, is that it is a triumph of good over evil, which really makes it all the more powerful.
The opponent's campaign went to places so low, no other campaigns have crossed that line.
The man who won, was chastised for his middle name Hussein, accused of being a terrorist, a Muslim (which should not have been an issue in the first place), who attended a radical Christian church for 20 years with an "America hating" preacher.
I even saw a copy of an ad with a flyer showing a baby stroller on a train track, saying Obama would do nothing about this (abortion reference). There were hate filled robo calls. In fact, much of the republican campaign was spent bad mouthing & putting down Obama.
Somewhere along the line, some people cast their ballots on the lies and propaganda, but the vast majority of those who did vote (with record turnouts, still only 1/3rd of the country actually voted!), did not buy into those hateful tactics. The lies and negativity were so far fetched and venomous, and perhaps the republican campaign came to be seen for what it was, a shallow agenda, heavy on hatred and negativity, void of real solutions.
Which is why a win for the left-wing, liberal candidate, who happens to be a black man, who ran a clean campaign, and more often chose the high road in his campaign, is particularly sweet. Obama declared that family issues should be "off the table", when Palin's unwed daughter became pregnant. He made an eloquent speech, discussing the black perspective, when they questioned the words of Preacher Reverend Wright.
Despite all the absurd things dredged up, and far flung against "an unlikely candidate", as Obama acknowledges, he is our next president. Not only did Obama win, but our nation & the global community won. Truth & decency won as well.
Let the healing begin, with a new sense of common purpose.
Fran, I recall Sarah had made reference to God, yet she gave no appearance that she was a Christian by what she caused during the campaign.
Palin sure lost sight of the *do unto others* part of christianity, but none of that matters now, good truimphed.
For sure when McCain looks back & asked what he could/should have done differently, taking the high road, and choosing a worthy VP would be two obvious answers.
now we can all breath again...phew...love the rose too...
So glad that the Change has already begun....
I had no idea the positive impact, the likes of which I have never before witnessed.
It is feeling more like a revolution and an election!
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