Monday, February 9, 2009




Annette said...

Yeah, but its not like the Dems are the only one who have had problems in the

Lulu Maude said...


Fran said...

Annette~ true, this is pure snark, but if only these check off options were available, that or "simple oversight" choice.
I'm sure there are lots of Congress people sighing a sigh of relief their taxes are not the ones under scrutiny. The McCain's come to mind.

Makes me wonder if they need a *Tax Hound* for the Federal Government.... all those congress critters have to be scrutinized annually.
Look how much we raked in with just 3 of them!

Notice the reference to an "IOU" in California?
The State announced last week, it may not have enough money to do State tax refunds, and have to send out IOU's to taxpayers?

This is suggesting they PAY taxes to the State with IOU's! Ha!

Dada said...

When I asked for this form at the post office, all I got was a nod and a cool bureaucratic, "All the forms we have are on that table over there" (this is where the nod came in, I had it reversed above, sorry)

Fran said...

You are lucky Dada- Mr. Ramblings went to the local post office to get some tax forms & was told they don't stock any tax forms anymore!

Hrumph! Talk about biting the hand that feeds them!

He had to go to the IRS office to get them.... and they ONLY carry Federal forms. He had to go to a 3rd office to get a State form!

He did it all on his bike, but got quite a workout that day.

Gawd bless Amerikkka!

enigma4ever said...

I love this form....
I printed it...
and then my cat did something unspeakable to it...


Fran said...

Haha re your cat-- animal instinct knew something about the IRS was not right.