Check out this Vintage tax propaganda Disney film -- Democracy on the March!
Creedence Clearwater Revival~ Fortunate Son
"But when the tax man come to the door- lord the house looks like a rummage sale
How much should you give~ the answer more more more.....
It ain't me, I ain't no fortunate one"
Thanks for the birthday wishes.. I appreciate it.
Yes, things are rough for everyone.. but it could always be worse.. we could be paying taxes like they were back in the 30' & 40's..
Presidents Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt, using the excuses of depression and war, permanently enlarged the income tax. Under Herbert Hoover, the top rate was hiked from 24 to 63 percent. Under Franklin Roosevelt, the top rate was again raised — first to 79 percent and later to 90 percent.
I don't mind paying taxes for things of "social uplift"... education, social programs, health care, infrastructure.
I live in one of the highest taxes states in the country, though, because we have no sales tax.
We get hit hard- while they are slashing education budgets, senior programs, etc.
That old disney film though.... holy crap!
I know.. i had seen it a long time ago.. someone I can't remember who.. Bob Cesca maybe put it up and said it should be sent to the GOP and all the conservatives who were fussing about Pres. Obama wanting to raise the taxes on the wealthy.. and wanting him to do it NOW not wait till next year.
Yes, when my daughter lived in Oregon I know the taxes were high for them too.
Yikes, the imagery in that Disney piece! The perhaps unintended message that taxes are purely to finance war? If only that were true, it might be easier to make a case for peace! If only we could dictate what programs our taxes financed, eh?
I don't mind paying my fair share of taxes. What I REALLY hate is that I am paying a far higher percentage of my disposable income than the elite high earners. But it's a real conundrum, because those are the very people trying to sell the "fair tax" concept (flat tax) which is anything BUT fair! Until some govt smartie figures out what the basic cost of living REALLY is so no one pays income taxes on that amount, I don't support flat tax (even when disguised as fair tax). And none of this fancy playing around with the numbers either! That's the kind of creative economics that's resulted in NO ONE knowing what the true rate of inflation is, never mind what the cost of living actually is. Kind of like your Oregon guy who tried to live on food stamps for a month, various members of congress should go live in some non-DC cities for a year, doing nothing particularly extravagent, and see what it actually costs them.
Ohh! The stereotypes in that Disney toon- the Scottish duck being the spendthrift, a little sexist remarks from the big spender...But the big message- that taxes are for war & supporting the soldiers & to defend against the *Axis*.
Yea baby taxes to fight the Axis....
Flat tax is unfair-- it flattens the poor folk- which is why rich folk like it so much.
They did a pop quiz in a person running for Senator-
asked them if they knew the following:
• the price of a loaf of bread
• the price of a gallon of milk
• the price of a gallon of gas
Most did not have a clue!
I thought the scotty ducky was Scrooge McDuck? but yeah, the zoot suit duck ... what an ethnic slur, since most zooters were non-caucasion ... the implication being that ethnics would never save money, would always go for the immediate thrill. When I saw the zooter duck leading Donald into a saloon whose swinging cafe doors form a swastika, I knew we weren't in The Happiest Place on Earth anymore!
that is one loaded clip.
Hopefully you have completed your effing taxes & today is not a stress filled day.
I like to think my portion goes to education.... because I can't stand the thought of war in my name.
whelp..the effing taxes are done....and I came home and had tea ( geeez now the gop obama bashers wants to ruin that ritual too...)
sooooooo we will survive this...
we will
( that disney film is scary- and the weird thing is- that I remember it...we could update it and do spongebob....)
ug! the teabagger thing is a circus!
The repugs are mad as hell at the old Bush policies & they ain't gonna take it anymore. A little late guys....
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