The Palin factor.
Notice how she seems to have a split personality?
She is the Queen of the Tea Party, denouncing how the two parties have it wrong.
Then she is stumping for McCain & attending Rethuglican party fundraiser events.
Palin lashes out at the elite/gotcha media.
Now she is working for Faux snooze.
Palin said her comment to "reload" means "vote".
Then she posts a map with crosshairs on it.
She talks a LOT...from all sides of her mouth.
Seems more like she's blowin' it out her ass to me!
I've had it w the antics of the Queen of the Tea party.
Well, these little schizzies are fine, but they shouldn't run for office or anything.
They should just hit all the B shows, like Dancing with the Stars (a misnomer) and leave us the hell alone.
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