Do you have relatives that insist in sending you right wing bullshit, even though you have asked them not to?
My cousin sent me this:
A French doctor says 'Medicine in my country is so advanced that we
can take a kidney out of one man, put it in
another, and have him looking for work in six weeks.'
A German doctor says 'That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one
person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in four
The Russian doctor says 'In my country, medicine is so advanced that
we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and
have them both looking for work in two weeks.'
An American doctor, not to be outdone, says 'You guys are way behind.
We recently took a man with no brains out of Illinois, put him in the
White House, and now half the country is looking for work.'
I sent him back a Revised Edition:
An American doctor, not to be outdone, says 'You guys are way behind.
We recently took a man with no brains out of Texas, put him in the
White House for 8 years, and now half the country is looking for work.'
Good revision. In fact,I may have heard your version previously so they may have been doing some revising of their own!
What jerks, as if Obama's at fault for the recession!
Usually I just file this stuff right in the trash where it belongs, but I figure if he will not stop sending crap like this, then the gloves are off!
I distinctly remember hearing YOUR version of that joke during the bush reign of terror. So your right-winger friends are definitely altering & recycling. They are sooo out of ideas!
I had to ask one of *those* friends to stop emailing me that type of stuff "because it was killing my spirit". She was very polite about it and took me off her email list. Now I only hear from her on b-days. Fine! I guess if I'm not willing to endure endless right-wing rants, then I am off the email list.
Now if only I could have the same effect on the extremely religious god-jesus-stuff another friend is always sending me. My soul is beyond saving, and I feel even more soulless when I delete her stuff before I even read it.
Maybe they did you a favor by taking you off the list.... if a high percentage of their posts are tainted.
I would not feel guilty tossing out prosthletizing propaganda. (my spell checker does not like any version of that word & I did look it up!!!)
Even spell checker is opposed! LOL!
In any case (sung to the tune of It's my party)
it's your in box & you can toss what you want to
toss what you want to
toss what you want to
You would toss too if they prosthyletized you!
Whoah! I think that strong coffee is kicking in!
I get much the same from people in my family. Most of the time, it's fake stuff and I reply-all with a link to the snopes article debunking it XD
World QM~ Ha! Does that actually work or just inspire them to send more s@#t?
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